Buy & Burn Strategy

In the evolving music industry, Recordian has established itself as a revolutionary force, and its forward-thinking strategies are designed to help drive value appreciation for the $RMUSIC token. One of Recordian’s standout initiatives is its groundbreaking Mega Buy & Burn program, which includes various revenue streams, fostering token scarcity and to help boost its value.

10% Ad Studio Revenue:

The potential of the Ad Studio revenue is monumental, with parallels drawn from the likes of Spotify, which amassed $1.4 billion and $1.6 billion in ad revenue for 2021 and 2022, respectively. Even capturing 1% of Spotify's 2021 ad revenue would equate to $14 million. By dedicating 10% of this ad revenue to buy and burn $RMUSIC tokens, a significant amount of tokens will be acquired and taken out of circulation.

10% Premium Subscription Revenue:

Another critical contributor is 10% of the premium subscription revenue. A subscriber base of 250,000 individuals paying $8.99 per month (totalling $2.2 million per year), the buy and burn mechanism will contribute $224,750 to further enhance the token's value. Furthermore, as the number of subscribers grows, so does the contribution to token buybacks and burns.

100% NFT Music Marketplace Fees:

The entire fees generated from the NFT Music Marketplace are allocated towards the buy and burn of the $RMUSIC token. As the NFT Music marketplace gains momentum through artist onboarding and celebrity artist music NFT exclusives, these fees will play a substantial role in boosting token value.

10% MIC & Headphone NFT Fees:

The incentivized adoption of Recordian's MIC and Headphone NFTs by artists and listeners plays a key role in value appreciation. For every 100,000 sold MIC NFTs at $500 each, $5,000,000 worth of $RMUSIC tokens will be burned. Similarly, for every 100,000 sold Headphone NFTs at $50 each, $500,000 worth of $RMUSIC tokens will be taken out of circulation.

The importance of this approach becomes clear when viewed in practical terms. Drawing from Spotify’s ad revenue model, even capturing a small portion of its earnings could result in significant token buys for burning. This process helps increase token scarcity, ultimately boosting its value. Moreover, with more premium subscribers and increased music marketplace activity, the Mega Buy & Burn program benefits from several revenue streams, helping to push the token's value even higher.

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